Online exchange for media artists and curators between Karlsruhe and Indonesia
In this online zoom format, we invite media artists and media art curators to hang out between time zones. The two hour long (approx.) session will begin with a few presentations from invited practitioners. It will then open up to an informal exchange about the topics of International Residencies, Artistic Collaboration and International Curation. Open to anyone curious in an international exchange in media art!
Invited speakers
Sarah Donderer, Akademie Schloss Solitude Stuttgart (GER)
Rizki Lazuardi, Indeks Bandung (IND)
Mira Rizki, media artist from Jakarta (IND)
Lilli Roser, ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe (GER)
STRWÜÜ, media artists from Karlsruhe (GER)